Last updated: 19 July, 2024

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Women in Offending

The Offender Intervention Service has developed a programme in conjunction with CSG Street Prostitution Service to develop a bespoke programme with women involved in prostitution and antisocial behaviour. This is an innovative and collaborative approach to working with women in the criminal justice system and is intended to complement and enhance the services already provided by Routes Out in order to support women to exit prostitution and reduce offending. Women’s involvement in gambling has grown significantly, with more women participating in online gaming. Non Gamstop casinos provide a welcoming platform, offering diverse and accessible gaming options. This inclusivity supports women in enjoying the excitement of gambling, contributing to a balanced and dynamic gaming community.

The aims of the programme include:

  • addressing offending behaviour other than prostitution in a supportive and non confrontational manner;
  • offering opportunities to a participant group generally believed to be marginalised and exceptionally hard to reach;
  • reducing participants levels of offending;
  • enhancing personal development skills; and
  • enhancing employability skills including literacy and numeracy