Last updated: 17 January, 2020

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Offending Intervention Services

We recognise that there can often be a series of underlying issues that can foster antisocial behaviour or criminal behaviour that often need to be addressed along with the problematic or offending behaviour. We have services that take cognisance of this and have incorporated this into our policy and practice. Our Offender Management Process aims to ensure that every instance of antisocial crime receives a response from either one of our internal services or a partner organisation, thus developing a culture whereby all antisocial criminal activity is addressed, both within the criminal justice system and via civil measures where appropriate.

The case management approach adopted allows for examination of trends and patterns and can identify escalating criminal activity.

List of our Offending Intervention Services

Early and Effective Intervention (EEI)
The aim of the strategy is to ensure that children and young people, aged between 8-15 years, who have engaged in offending and antisocial behaviour receive the appropriate intervention in order to divert them away from further offending.

ChoiceWorks is part of a range of programmes delivered by the Offender Intervention service to identify and engage with young people involved in offending

Prison ThroughCare
This programme, in partnership with Barlinnie Prison, gives CSG the opportunity to address issues by engaging with an identified group of incarcerated young offenders before release with continued engagement when they are released from prison.

Women in Offending
The Offender Intervention Service has developed a programme in conjunction with CSG Street Prostitution Service to develop a bespoke programme with women involved in prostitution and antisocial behaviour.

Community Payback Orders
We work in partnership with Glasgow City Council Criminal Justice Social Work Services (CJSWS) to deliver the unpaid team work element of Community Payback Orders.