Last updated: 17 January, 2020

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Neighbourhood Improvement & Enforcement Service

From the outset, it was recognised that for the Clean Glasgow campaign to succeed, an effective strategy was required that would seek to bring about change to people’s core values and enable individuals and communities to take responsibility for Glasgow’s urban environment. It was identified that this would be best achieved through education, enforcement and community action. CSG Neighbourhood Improvement & Enforcement Services is central to ensuring that the strategy is delivered at a local level.

NIES directly engages with individuals, residents’ groups, schools and businesses and encourages them to take an active role in addressing local neighbourhood environmental issues. This is achieved by supporting environmental enhancement activities to tackle “grime crime”, which often indicates levels of antisocial behaviour.

NIES take the lead in organising and supporting activities such as community clean-ups, graffiti removal and tackling fly-tipping, fly posting and dog fouling. In the period 2010-2011, NIES engaged with 19,371 members of Glasgow’s communities and supported them in undertaking community clean-ups and other environmental enhancement works.

This resulted in 35,448 hours of enhancement activity, the equivalent of 3,900 working days.

As well as supporting communities, NIES provides support to Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers, conducts quarterly Glasgow Local Environmental Audit Management System (GLEAMS) surveys in 85% of Glasgow streets, and provides support to the Clean Glasgow Dog Fouling Campaign through engagement with local housing organisations and issuing Dog Fouling Fixed Penalty Notices.


How Do I Request Resources for a Clean Up?

If you have a site/project that requires the assistance of a Neighbourhood Improvement and Enforcement Officer. Download the NIES Service request Form.
Once completed, please email to
or post for the attention of Yusuf Faisal, Eastgate, 727 London Road, Glasgow G40 3AQ.