Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Services

Restorative Conferences

Who we are

We hold restorative conferences with children and young adults involved in offending and antisocial behaviour. These conferences involve young people meeting face-to-face with those who have been affected by their actions. 

Conferences are facilitated by specially trained staff following preparatory work and ensure that the young person takes responsibility for their actions, as well as hearing directly from the victim and, where appropriate, helping to make amends.

This process is not about punishment or retribution, but aims to resolve conflict and repair harm. A vital part of any restorative process is the involvement of those who have been affected by the young person’s actions.

How we can help

Throughout our work we set up effective interventions that allow young people to learn about the impact of their offending, in particular the effects on victims and communities. These interventions also give victims of crime a safe opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings with young people who have offended.

For more information on our work in this area please contact us.