Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Services

Working with children and young adults

We deliver a range of interventions, activities and programmes for children and young adults across the city through our Prevention, Diversion and Offending teams. Our services are aimed at young people involved in, or on the fringes of, offending and antisocial behaviour. We also work within schools and communities to discourage young people from becoming involved in such behaviour.

We adopt a restorative justice approach throughout all of work with children and young adults, which aims to encourage those involved in offending and antisocial behaviour to take responsibility for their actions.

Our services include diversionary activities within communities; programmes within schools; restorative justice interventions with young people involved in criminal behaviour or those who are victims of crime; and a range of targeted programmes for children and young adults who have offended or are involved in antisocial behaviour. All of these services contribute to the safety of young people in their peer relationships, schools and communities.

Find out about STUFF to do for children and young adults in your area.

To find out more about the services we provide, please use the links on the left of this page.