Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Services

The TARA Project

Who we are

The TARA project was established in 2005 as a service to help identify and support women who may have been trafficked for the purpose of commercial sexual exploitation. TARA believes that trafficking is fuelled by the demand from the commercial sex industry. We believe that commercial sexual exploitation is a form of violence against women which is harmful to women, families and communities.

How we can help

TARA provides comprehensive assessment of needs including risk and offers range of support services, including crisis accommodation dependant on individual need. Our service will now be available for women recovered from across Scotland during a pilot funded by the Scottish Government.

Women may be eligible for the service if they are:

  • Over 18 years
  • Have been commercially sexually exploited in the UK
  • Have been brought into the UK or there have been moved around the UK

TARA can also provide consultation with frontline staff by sharing information, advice and good practice.

Any enquiries from organisations, individual staff members and women are confidential in accordance with our policy. This is available on request.

For more information on the work we do please contact us.


Your positive support ensures that TARA can continue to provide direct support to women and their children whose lives have been affected by trafficking.

All money donated to TARA is used directly to support the women we are working with, helping us to provide essentials; support for children; materials for therapeutic art sessions and social activities. Your generous financial support will have a positive impact in the fight against the trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation of women.

We are also looking for runners to take part in the Ignis Asset Management Women’s 10k on Sunday, May 10th 2009, to raise funds for TARA. The 10K is the largest women only race in the UK with over 14,000 runners expected to run.

To download a sponsorship form please click here, or for more information on making a donation to TARA please call 0141 276 7724 or email