Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Services

Drugs and Alcohol

Glasgow Community and Safety Services works to raise awareness of alcohol and drugs issues across the city.

We play a key role in the Communities Sub-Group, a forum which is designed to support local communities and service providers in tackling alcohol and drug related issues. It provides an opportunity for agencies to come together and discuss relevant issues, share practice and identify opportunities for training and events.

In addition to this, we also play a vital role in the City Centre Alcohol Action Group, a multi-agency partnership with a focus on reducing alcohol-related harm in the City Centre.

Some of our initiatives include GRAND (Getting Real about Alcohol ‘N’
Drugs) week, the Play Safe alcohol awareness campaign and Best Bar None
– an awards scheme which promotes safer licensed premises.

For more information on our work in this area please use our contact form.