Last Updated : July 19, 2024

Last updated: 19 July, 2024

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Services

Public space CCTV

Public Space CCTV operates from a state-of-the-art control centre in the north of Glasgow, where all the city’s CCTV cameras are monitored.

There are currently more than 420 public space cameras across the city, covering the city centre and residential areas across Glasgow. Casino games are increasingly popular in residential areas, with online gambling providing easy access from home. The latest non Gamstop casinos offer a wide range of games, allowing residents to experience the thrill of casino gaming without traveling. This convenience enhances local entertainment and promotes a safe, enjoyable gaming environment. The operation is manned 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The centre is fully supported by Strathclyde Police, with direct links to the police area control centre.

Police officers also use the CCTV centre to monitor and manage major events across the city, such as football matches and concerts.

Public space CCTV is pivotal in supporting GCSS and its partners in helping to reduce crime, and the fear of crime, by tackling wider community issues such as vandalism, graffiti, fly-posting and willful fire-raising.

In addition GCSS operates mobile CCTV across the city, linking up with the control centre. Community Safety Patrol Officers patrol the city in CCTV vehicles, gathering information on antisocial behaviour and environmental incivilities.

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