Last updated: 17 January, 2020

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Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers (NIVs)

CSG’ Neighbourhood Improvement & Enforcement Service supports the work of Glasgow City Council’s Clean Glasgow campaign at a strategic and operational level and a cornerstone of the NIES network is the Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers (NIV) Scheme which was established in 2008.

The aim of the scheme is to encourage groups and individuals to take ownership of their neighbourhood areas, helping them develop longer term strategies to make their communities cleaner, safer places to live, work and visit.

NIVs adopt zones within their community and are engaged in grading the cleanliness of their local streets. They also organise ‘anti-litter’ campaigns and promote the Clean Glasgow initiative to their friends and neighbours. In return, NIVs receive access to an enhanced service from partner agencies involved in keeping Glasgow clean.

To date, 405 individuals, groups and organisations have been recruited as Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers across the city and in November 2010 the initiative won the Herald Society Community Project of the Year Award 2010.


How do i request resources for a Clean Up?

If you have a site/project that requires the assistance of a Neighbourhood Improvement and Enforcement Officer. Download the NIES Service request Form.
Once completed, please email to
or post for the attention of Yusuf Faisal, Eastgate, 727 London Road, Glasgow G40 3AQ.


NIV adv


Join up now!


Centre and West
Faisal Yusuf, Senior Development Officer, 0141 276 7555

North and East
Gabe Wortman, Senior Development Officer, 0141 276 7434

Michael Hamilton, Senior Development Office, 0141 276 7537

Getting started guide

We have produced a Getting Started guide, packed full of everything you need to know about becoming a Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteer.

Download it now!