Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Corporate Information

Hate Crime

What is a hate crime?

A hate crime is a crime which is motivated by ‘malice or ill will’ towards an identifiable social group. Currently in law this covers racially motivated offences but it is likely that sexual orientation and disability will be added in the coming months as new legislation goes through Parliament.

Crucial also to the definition is the perception of the victim; if a victim believes they have been targeted for harassment or assault, verbal or physical, because of their race, sexual orientation or disability, then the offence is categorised as a hate crime.

How is GCSS involved?

Together with Strathclyde Police, we have established a system of third party reporting throughout the city. Third party reporting encourages the reporting of hate crimes by giving the victim the ability to report the crime or incident at a location other than a police station.

We are also developing a structure for community-based organisations which will assist people who have been the victims of a hate crime and who are, for whatever reason, reluctant to contact the police directly. A list of these agencies, as well as an electronic remote reporting form, is accessible on the Strathclyde Police website.

In order to get a more accurate picture of hate crime across the city, we have established a central database which will allow us to monitor the number of hate crime incidents reported to statutory agencies. This information will be used to enhance policy development and intervention in a manner which builds on the possibilities afforded by a centralised and co-ordinated overview.

How do I report a hate crime?

If you are the victim of a hate crime, or if you have witnessed what you believe to be a hate crime, you can and should report it directly to the police. If for any reason you are reluctant to do so you can access the third party reporting service anonymously via GCSS’ Hate Crime Policy Officer.

Information on hate crime

We have produced a range of publicity materials on the subject of hate crime. These include an information leaflet in English, Easy Read and a variety of other languages. The leaflet includes information on hate crime, how to report it and a comprehensive list of our third party reporting centres. You can download a version of the leaflet below or contact us for more information.

Hate crimes leaflet

Hate crimes poster

Hate crimes leaflet – easy read

Hate crimes leaflet – Polish

Hate crimes leaflet – Punjabi

Hate crimes leaflet – Urdu

Hate crimes leaflet – Arabic

Hate crimes leaflet – French

Hate crimes leaflet – Kurdish

Hate crimes leaflet – Mandarin

Hate crimes leaflet – Slovak

Get in touch

For more information please contact our Hate Crime Policy Officer on 0141 276 7471 or email