Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Freedon of Information


Freedom of Information

Request for information from Glasgow Community and Safety Services

Title *


First name *


Last name *


How would you like to be contacted? Please select

If other, please describe

Your Contact Details


Organisation (if applicable)

House/premises name

House number *


Flat number

Street name *


City/town *



Country *


Postcode *


Phone Number

Mobile phone number

Fax number

Email address

What information are you requesting? *


(please provide as much detail as possible, as this will assist us in responding to your request)

What is the purpose of your request?

(you do not have to provide this information, but by understanding the background we may be able to respond more fully to your request, or be able to provide additional explanatory material)

Other information about you

(you do not have to provide this information but it will be helpful to us for monitoring purposes)


Ethnic origin

Do you consider yourself to be disabled?

If so, what is the nature of your disability?

Please indicate which of these groups you represent

If other, please describe


(you do not have to provide this information, but it will be helpful to us for monitoring purposes)