Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Corporate Information


Glasgow Community and Safety Services is committed to eliminating discrimination and promoting equality in terms of service delivery and employment and ensuring that equality is mainstreamed throughout our services, functions and policies.

To see our Equality Policy click here

Equality Action Plan

The following 3 year Action Plan, which is aligned to Glasgow City Council’s Integrated Equality Scheme, demonstrates how GCSS will work towards eliminating discrimination in the delivery of its services, the formation and implementation of its policies and in employment and training whilst continuing to promote equality of opportunity within the community. During the lifetime of the plan, it will be updated annually to review progress and add new actions as necessary.

To view GCSS’ Equality Action Plan please click here

To view the Action Plan for year 2, which includes progress on actions for year 1, click here

To view Glasgow City Council’s Integrated Equality Scheme please click here.

Equality Impact Assessment (EQUIA)

Equality Impact Assessment (EQUIA) is a method or tool for assessing the effects, or impacts of a GCSS policy or function on removing barriers to equality. Research shows that the way organisations do things can have unintentional negative effects on groups of citizens – ‘institutional discrimination’.

EQUIA is a tool for designing out discrimination and removing barriers to equal access and outcomes for people who are members of equality groups. It helps us to change our thinking and to ‘mainstream’ equality. This means when we plan a new service, for example, or review an existing one, that we think as a matter of course about the range of people who might want to use that service, and what barriers to access we might unintentionally be creating.

To view GCSS’ Equality Impact Assessment reports click on the links below.

Marketing Guidelines – Full Report

Marketing Guidelines – update

Antisocial Behaviour Noise Team – Full Report

Antisocial Behaviour Noise Team Guidelines – update