Last updated: 17 January, 2020

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ASSIST is the specialist domestic abuse advocacy service that provides advocacy and support to victims of domestic abuse. ASSIST receives referrals from Police Scotland who offer the service to victims when they are called to a domestic incident. The service is offered to victims across the Police Scotland force area.

ASSIST aims are to ensure that all victims of domestic abuse are safe, informed and supported throughout the court process and beyond.
ASSIST is linked with the Specialist Domestic Abuse Courts at Glasgow Sheriff Court and for male victims at Edinburgh Domestic Abuse Cluster Courts. 

ASSIST stands for –

·       Advocacy
An independent voice for victims, including children and young people. Help when other agencies are involved or to pass on information on  your behalf.

·       Support

In the immediate aftermath of an incident and throughout the court process. ASSIST can pass information to the court about what you would like to happen

·       Safety

We can help you assess the risks you face and talk to you about options that could help you stay safe.

·       Information

About the court process, civil protection, abuse issues, housing and ongoing support services like Women’s Aid

·       Services Together
A coordinated, strategic and operational community response

ASSIST convene MARAC (Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference) meetings to coordinate support for clients at high risk of further harm. Multi-Agency Risk Assessment Conferences (MARACs) are meetings where information about high risk domestic abuse victims is shared between local agencies. By bringing all agencies together at a MARAC, a risk focussed, coordinated safety plan can be drawn up to support the victim.

The team’s early intervention proactive working practice ensures that service users receive a high quality service that is focused on their risk and safety.

ASSIST’s coordination role ensures that partner agencies working with victims of domestic abuse can provide the most effective and appropriate service, with the victim at the centre of this process. 

For further information, contact ASSIST on 0141 276 7710.