Last updated: 26 July, 2024

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How we tackle Crime and Antisocial Behaviour.

Residents of Glasgow have the right to live free from harm, fear and intimidation. Where individuals refuse to desist from causing harm and distress to others, Community Safety Glasgow will use all of the enforcement powers available to stop individuals or groups perpetrating antisocial behaviour or crime in our neighbourhoods and will make every effort to protect individuals, families and communities.

A quick guide on what to do if troubled by Antisocial Behaviour

For ongoing criminal activity call Police Scotland.

Antisocial Noise – call our Noise Team (5pm – 3am)

Antisocial Behaviour – Community Relations Officers call

if you are a housing association tenant contact your housing officer in the first instance.

Neighbour Dispute – Mediation Officers call

To report litter/dog fouling Tel:

What is antisocial behaviour?

How do I report antisocial behaviour?

What will the Community Relations Unit Do?

If we can progress your complaint using the ASB legislation you will have to

How long will the investigation take?

What is an ASBO

Do ASBOs Work?

Here are the services we use to tackle the Crime and Antisocial Behaviour

Noise Service

The CSG Noise Service work 7 nights a week and respond to complaints of noise from one domestic dwelling which affects another (or others).

Some frequently asked questions about the service

When is the service available?
Noise officers work 7 nights a week from 5pm until 2:30am (excluding some public holidays) The contact centre who will handle your initial call is available 24/7 so you can register a complaint at any time and the noise officers will respond as soon as they are on duty.

What types of noise do you deal with?
Our enforcement powers cover barking dogs as well as all types of amplified noise. For other types of noise we can provide a professional witness service and pass any information on to other agencies including landlords and our mediation service. For disorder or where the noise isn’t contained within a domestic dwelling Strathclyde Police can be contacted .

What happens when I call the service?
When you call in your details and complaint will be taken by our contact centre. A noise officer will then call you back as soon as they are free and if the noise is ongoing arrange to visit your property to assess the level. If the noise is actionable under our powers we will usually issue a Warning Notice to your neighbour requiring them to reduce the noise or face a £100 fixed penalty notice.

Can I make an anonymous complaint?

A requirement of the Antisocial Behaviour Etc. (Scotland) Act 2004 is that we access the complainer’s property to show that the noise exceeds the permitted level for that period of the day. All our officers drive unmarked vehicles and never wear uniforms in order to protect your identity.

Community Enforcement Officers (CEOs)

CEOs conduct high visibility uniformed patrols across the City. One of their primary functions is to issue Fixed Penalty Notices in relation to litter and dog fouling offences.

Some frequently asked questions about Fixed Penalty Notices

Can I appeal
I can advise you that there are no formal grounds of appeal against a Fixed Penalty Notice.

This is because a Fixed Penalty Notice is an invitation for you to effectively cancel your liability to prosecution. In essence this means that if you agree that an offence has been committed by you then by paying the sum of money specified no further action in the form of a prosecution for the offence will be undertaken by the Council.

This method of dealing with offences not only saves the time involved for everyone (including the offender) in prosecuting cases at Court, but the cost associated with a Fixed Penalty Notice is likely to be substantially lower than any fine imposed by the Courts.

If you do not agree that you committed the offence for which you received the Fixed Penalty Notice then the matter will be dealt with through formal prosecution via the Courts. It will then be up to the Court, on receiving evidence, to determine whether or not an offence was committed and therefore whether or not any penalty should be imposed.

Effectively this means that the formal Court route becomes the mechanism for those wishing to appeal a Fixed Penalty Notice. It should be noted that the financial penalty imposed by the Courts can be significantly greater than that which is imposed through a Fixed Penalty Notice.

However we do accept letters of representation/complaint. Please email them to us.
Is there an alternative to payment of the fine ?
Yes you can participate in a litter pick event in the City of Glasgow.These are usually held on the last Saturday of the month from 10am to 1pm.Attendance and participation at this one of event is taken as full payment of the fixed penalty.

Can I pay in instalments
Yes. Card payments can be made by calling .
(Business Hours Monday to Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm and Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm. Always quote your fixed penalty number.
What happens if I don’t pay the fixed penalty or participate in a litter pick up event.
You will be referred to the Scottish Criminal Records Office where you will be given a Scottish Criminal Record Office number.Thereafter your case will be referrred to the Procurator Fiscal for non payment of the fixed penalty.