Last updated: 26 July, 2024

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Our Offender Management Strategy

The strong partnership working approach supports CSG’ Offender Management Strategy which aims to address a number of key objectives in the management of offenders aged 12 to 25 years within the City.

Offender Management is a unique approach that integrates a range of services and teams, who in the past would have worked separately with different client groups and be focused on different outcomes. In order to reduce offending, We take a holistic approach when dealing with the individual, and this involves recognising, and working through, the key issues facing the individual.

The key elements include:

Our Offender Management system is the first of its kind in the country and has been developed to ensure a proactive response to offending in the under 25 age group. Each week a matrix is produced by our Performance and Information Management Unit, using real time Police data, which lists each instance of antisocial behaviour offending within the City in the target group. This is used to inform a tasking process which ensures each offence receives a proactive intervention.

The system fosters consistency, early intervention, and an escalating response to each occurrence.

Example: Offender Management 2010-11:

5962 warning letters were sent to first-time offenders, of whom 92% did not re-offend during the 3 month period after receipt of the letter.

644 home visits were carried out in relation to second-time offenders and as a result 539 Positive Behaviour Agreements were signed. Of those visited 78% did not re-offend in the three month period following the visit.

Offender stats