Last updated: 17 January, 2020

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3 easy ways to get in contact with Glasgow Community and Safety Services

1 – Online

Our online form is located on the right hand side of this page

2 – By Phone

If you would prefer to speak to someone in GCSS, call us on 0141 276 7400

3 – In Writing

Glasgow Community & Safety Services
727 London Road
G40 3AP

Information in other formats

If you require any of the information currently on this site to be made available in another language, in Braille, on audio tape or CD, then please call us on the following number: 0141 276 7400 or alternatively you can Email:

Report Dog Fouling

To report and incident of Dog fouling, please call: 0141 287 0354

Report Antisocial Noise

To report and incident of Antisocial Noise at any time of day, please call: 0141 287 6688