Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Corporate Information

Making a Freedom of Information Request

Any individual or organisation can make a request for information that Glasgow Community and Safety Services holds, and will be entitled to receive it, provided no exemptions apply. 

Requests must :

  • be in writing or some other permanent form (eg e-mail or recorded message)
  • state the applicant’s name and address
  • describe what information is required

You can make an FOI request in the following ways:

By emailing:

By completing an online request form.

By posting your request to:

GCSS Enquiries, Glasgow Community and Safety Services, Westergate (5th Floor), 11 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 6AB 

How your FOI request will be handled

Your request will be dealt with promptly and, usually, within 20 working days. There is no need to cite the Act or explain why information is being asked for.  However, giving as much detail as you can may help us respond more fully to your request.

There is no obligation for GCSS to comply with an information request if:

  • an exemption applies
  • the cost of doing so would exceed the amount set by the fees regulations
  • the information is not held by GCSS

In these instances, you will be notified why GCSS cannot comply with your request. 

What happens if information is not provided?

If you are dissatisfied with the way your request is dealt with, you can ask for a formal review which will be conducted by the GCSS Legal Manager.

Please address any request for a formal review to: GCSS Legal Manager, 5th Floor, Westergate, 11 Hope Street, Glasgow, G2 6AB 

and, thereafter,

Appeal to the Scottish Information Commissioner. The Commissioner is a fully independent public official, with a range of powers under the Act to ensure compliance, and can be contacted at:

Scottish Information Commissioner, Kinburn Castle, Doubledykes Road, St Andrews, Fife, KY16 9DS

Telephone: 01334 464610