Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Corporate Information

Data Protection

The Data Protection Act 1998 (DPA) regulates the processing of personal data, that is information about and relating to, living identifiable individuals. The Act gives individuals the right to access personal data that an organisation holds about them by making a Subject Access Request.

As a Data Controller, Glasgow Community and Safety Services is obliged to ensure that all processing of personal data is carried out in accordance with this legislation. These obligations are met by compliance with the eight data protection principles laid down in the DPA and ensuring that all processing is notified to the Information Commissioner.

Further information may be found by visiting the Information Commissioner‘s website.

The Act gives individuals a number of rights including the right to access personal data that an organisation holds about them. If an individual makes a request to view their information, it is known as a Subject Access Request

This right of access extends to all information held on an individual and includes:

  • personal files
  • databases
  • interview notes
  • emails referring to the individual

Your rights of access are:

  • to find out if we keep data about you
  • to find out why we keep data and who we share it with
  • to get a copy of all, or part, of the data we hold about you

You can only see personal data that we hold about other people in certain circumstances, for example:

  • if legally appointed to make decisions for that person
  • if authorised by the person to access data on their behalf
  • if the person is a young child and you are their parent

You do not have an automatic right to access all data held about you. We are legally obliged to withhold some data, for example if it would break our duty of confidentiality to other people mentioned in your files.