Last Updated : January 17, 2020
Glasgow Community and Safety Services is committed to tackling antisocial behaviour across the city. Our dedicated team of staff work closely with communities and partner agencies in your area to ensure local solutions to local issues.
Here are just a few of the initiatives going on in your area:
This is a joint initiative with North Glasgow Alcohol Support Services, Strathclyde Police, Glasgow City Council Licensing Board, local licensed premises, and is funded by the Glasgow North Community Planning Partnership. The initiative was launched in December 2008 and operates in Wyndford, Springburn and Saracen Street.
The campaign aims to reduce the accessibility of alcohol by under 18s through the promotion of responsible sales practice within off-sales and the targeting of agents who purchase alcohol on behalf of young people . Underpinning the campaign is signposting to diversionary activities which aim to provide positive ways for children and young adults to spend their time.
GCSS has successfully secured Fairer Scotland funding for the year 2008/2009. One element of this funding will enable provision of a 12-week structured intervention programme in North Glasgow, beginning in February 2009.
Gang activity in this part of Glasgow is very sporadic but local intelligence has identified that there is a need for engagement with young people involved in group activity. To this end GCSS met with partner agencies and jointly prepared a comprehensive list of young people aged 13 to 18 who may be suitable for this kind of programme. During the programme the young people will participate in group work sessions to address antisocial behaviour. They will also take part in diversionary activities which are designed to enhance their skills at team building, conflict resolution and decision making, and will ultimately reduce their antisocial behaviour.
Following consultation with residents and an analysis of reported incidents within the North, key areas have been identified as requiring additional attention from a range of our services. Within the Wyndford, Saracen and Springburn areas a number of issues were identified as being important to residents. Key themes emerged including activity linked to youth disorder, drinking in public and gang related activity.
As part of a collective response to making improvements both short term and long term, Glasgow Community and Safety Services is working with a number of key individuals and agencies. These include:
GCSS directs specific services into action plan areas to complement those of our partners. Services deployed include Community Safety Patrol Officers and Community Enforcement Officers, Graffiti and Environmental Enhancement Teams, Youth Engagement Staff, CCTV equipment and operators.
We provide a range of opportunities for children and young adults, which generally take place at identified peak times for antisocial behaviour such as evenings and weekends. Our mobile youth resources include, among others, the state-of-the-art multimedia STUFF bus and street sports such as Footie STUFF and Basketball STUFF, which bring sports into your community. These resources provide an opportunity for young people to get involved in constructive activities. To find out more about what is going on in your area go to our STUFF page.