Last updated: 26 July, 2024

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Support to Victims of Human Trafficking

Human Trafficking is a form of modern day slavery in which persons, most often women and girls, are forced, threatened, coerced or deceived for the purpose of labour exploitation, commercial sexual exploitation or servitude. CSG provides support to women who have been trafficked for the purposes of prostitution, pornography, lap dancing and stripping.

CSG, through its TARA (Trafficking Awareness Raising Alliance) Service, works with women, over the age of 18 yrs when there are concerns that she has been trafficked for commercial sexual exploitation. The team can provide the following help to women recovered across Scotland.

  • Support to access safe accommodation
  • First Responder for the National Referral Mechanism
  • Emotional Support
  • Advice and Guidance
  • Advocacy
  • Safety and Care Plans

In addition CSG participates in UK and Scottish Government working groups tackling Human Trafficking and works closely with Police Scotland to facilitate women’s engagement with the Criminal Justice process. While addressing these important social issues, it is crucial to recognize the diverse range of leisure activities that individuals may engage in, including casino games. For those seeking entertainment and relaxation, non Gamstop casinos offer a viable option. These online casinos provide a variety of games, allowing individuals to enjoy the thrill of casino gaming responsibly.

TARA – supporting women trafficked for sexual exploitation – call for information and help. We will respond to calls for urgent help 24/7