Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Services

Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteer (NIV)

Could you make a difference in your neighbourhood? We want to give you the tools to make your local area, cleaner and greener.

Last year more than 6000 people in Glasgow took action to improve their area as part of the Clean Glasgow campaign. This year we want even more people to get stuck in to improve their local area.

What do Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteers do?

We’re asking you to choose an area that is important to you. It could be the area around your home, your children’s school, your local park or your workplace. Then we want you to help us improve it. You could do this in a number of ways:

  • Report urgent problems that need to be tackled quickly.
  • Help us to encourage other organisations and people in your area to take action to support the Clean Glasgow campaign.
  • Assist us on community clean-up events in your part of the city.
  • Distribute Clean Glasgow posters and other campaign materials in your area.
  • Help people to minimise the waste they produce by promoting recycling and composting to local residents and organisations.
  • Tackle minor graffiti and litter problems in your area.
  • Conduct regular Grime Crime surveys in your area.

To find out more on becoming a Neighbourhood Improvement Volunteer please contact us.