Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Services

Graffiti Removal and Enhancement Service

Who we are

We make the city cleaner, safer, and better by removing unsightly graffiti and taking action to eliminate illegal fly-posting. Graffiti is removed within 20 working days of notification, and racist, sectarian, homophobic and other offensive graffiti is removed within two working days.

We also support communities and businesses in carrying out clean-ups in their area.

How we can help

We are a pro-active service but we also respond to members of the public and businesses who witness graffiti in their area.

We work with colleagues to promote the prevention message in schools, and other venues to ensure Glasgow becomes amore Attractive place to live, work, socialise in, and visit.

To report graffiti in your area call 0800 027 7027.

To download a See Something Say Something card which contains lots of useful numbers please click here.