Last Updated : January 17, 2020

Last updated: 17 January, 2020

Glasgow Community and Safety Services – Services

Antisocial Noise

Are you bothered by noise?

It is a fact of life that we all make noise whether we are talking to others, entertaining, playing music or just going about our daily business. There are many different ways in which your neighbour can impact on you, from loud music to dogs barking and DIY to musical instruments.

If you are being bothered by noise

Consider approaching those responsible for the noise to make them aware of the problem, they may not even realise that they are disturbing you. If this does not help, or you feel you cannot approach the noise maker, then please contact our Noise Team who can help resolve your problem on 0141 287 6688.

What can we do for you?

For each antisocial noise complaint received, noise officers will call you back to discuss your complaint and offer advice. If the noise is ongoing, GCSS will measure the noise levels in your home to help us assess the problem and see what action is required. The officers wear plain clothes, drive unmarked vehicles and carry I.D. badges to prevent your neighbour from identifying you as the complainer.

If the noise is excessive, a warning notice may be issued to the noise maker. If your neighbour does not then reduce the noise to an acceptable level, a £100 fixed penalty notice can be served. In the event of a fixed penalty notice not being paid, the case will be referred to the Procurator Fiscal (maximum fine £1,000) and the noise making equipment can be removed from the offender’s home if appropriate.

Other ways of dealing with a noise nuisance

Sometimes the enforcement approach is not appropriate and some noise problems can be better resolved by talking to the person causing it. You may, however, not wish to do this face to face with your neighbour, in which case you could consider using our Mediation Service.

The Mediation Service is free and offers neighbours the opportunity to resolve their disputes in an impartial and non-judgmental environment and can succeed where other forms of dispute resolution fail. The trained mediators will discuss your neighbour troubles helping decide what action is best to take, including asking your neighbour to meet with you on neutral territory where the mediator will help reach a satisfactory agreement between everybody.

To find out more about our Mediation Service click here.

Contact us

To contact the Noise Team call 0141 287 6688. This line is available 24 hours a day and officers are available to respond to your call between 9am and 3am Monday to Friday and 5pm to 3am at weekends.

To download the Noise Team leaflet please click here.