Last updated: 17 January, 2020

The number of fines issued to dog owners allowing their pets to foul Glasgow’s streets has soared by 25% in the first two weeks of a hard hitting enforcement campaign. 

Almost 40 people were issued with fixed penalty notices during the first two weeks of the crackdown on irresponsible dog owners who fail to clean up after their pets. Around 193 warning letters have also been issued in closes/streets where someone suspected of shirking their responsibilities lives. 

The 39 fines issued in the first two weeks of the campaign compare to 59 fines issued in the previous quarter. CCTV cameras and undercover officers from Glasgow Community & Safety Services have been enlisted in the crackdown. They are targeting hotspot areas identified by communities. Knightswood Park, Gorbals Rose Garden and Liddesdale Square, Milton, were almost the first to be blitzed.

Twenty-eight Glasgow housing associations and co-operatives with thousands of tenants are also backing the campaign. They are warning tenants that they risk being fined and even endangering their tenancies if they repeatedly refuse to clean up after their dogs. More registered social landlords are also expected to sign up during a series of ongoing presentations to Chief Executives. 

Almost 2000 letters highlighting the blitz have so far been issued in hotspots and huge warning banners have also been erected. Disgusted city residents are being encouraged to report dog owners who allow their dogs to foul. The fixed penalties are is £40 rising to £60 if not paid within 28 days. 

Councillor Gordon Matheson, Leader of Glasgow City Council, said: “Irresponsible dog owners who do not clean up after their pets create a disgusting health hazard for Glasgow’s residents and visitors – especially children who play on our grassed areas and parks. 

“Anyone who wants a dog should be prepared to look after it properly and clean up after it. It is never unacceptable to walk away from those responsibilities and commit antisocial behaviour by leaving dog filth to be trodden in by other people.” 

City residents are being urged to report dog owners who don’t clean up after their pets. Call 0800 027 7027.